Thursday, 28 June 2012

Kei Cars and Other Small Things

For the most part, cars in Japan are tiny.  These little beasts are called keicars - they have the smallest wheels you'll ever see on a four-door car, yellow number plates and an engine no bigger than that of your average Aussie lawnmower.  Naturally, they are cheap as chips to run and so when I arrived in Awa-cho renting a keicar was high on my list of priorities.

I have been lucky enough to lease my car from a company called Auto and Pal.  The guys in-charge are super friendly despite my complete inability to communicate and in exchange for 15,000yen per month (approximately 180AUD)  they keep me in possession of a perfectly maintained little white Suzuki Wagon.  I don't have to pay for oil changes or mechanical failures.  I don't replace tyres or pay for licensing.  I just have to take out an accident insurance policy and worry about my own fuel costs (approximately 8000yen p/m and 4000yen to fill up, respectively).  Easy.

As much as I love my deal though, I don't really love my car.  It's small and boxy and lucky to get to 100km/ph with my foot flat.  It's plain white, terribly nondescript and makes me miss my Lancer a whole lot more!  That said, this tiny little car is my lifeline here.  She helps me to get out of the inaka (countryside) on a regular basis and on the inside is surprisingly roomy enough to fit a carload of passengers.

But keicars aren't the only tiny things in Japan...  Roads are tiny!  Pre-packaged foods at the supermarket also come in tiny packets.  Tea cups are tiny.  Clothes and shoes - tiny!  Omiyage (or edible souvenirs) also come in individually-wrapped tiny packets.  Sunscreen comes in tiny bottles and you can even buy 1/4 sized cans of Asahi beer!

I've never felt particularly tall, but in comparison to many of my Japanese friends or co-workers I am gargantuan.  I can only imagine how some of the 6ft+ guys in our prefecture feel...  This is a pic of a few of them with Liz (who is only marginally shorter than myself) - from left to right: Mark, Tadgh, Mike, Simon and Broc.


  1. Hey was wondering how you got a rental kei car so cheaply?
    Im an Australian ALT too in Japan. Did your supervisors help you out?

  2. Hey Tom,

    My pred was the one to thank for this awesome deal! He was somehow introduced to the owner of this garage, who later rented him the car at such a price. My supervisor does help with the liaising (seeing as I'm not fluent enough to handle the interactions myself) from time to time though.

    I believe it's cheap because it's long-term. I once arranged a short-term rental car from the same guy/garage for a friend and it was in the vicinity of 50,000yen for 3 weeks... Something to do with insurance etc.

    Hope that helps!
